Higher Ed Pulse

Pulse Check: Learning from Leaders — Part 3

Episode Summary

In this episode, listeners will get an honest and candid understanding of something not talked about enough with future leaders – tough conversations. As someone who naturally wants to avoid conflict, Rebekah shares how she mentally prepares to have a tough conversation and how to begin these conversations with shared understanding. Finally, listeners will learn ways to continue the conversation over time to ensure that tough conversions lead to long term successful outcomes.

Episode Notes

In this third part of our Pulse Check series on leadership in higher education, listeners will get an honest and candid understanding of something not talked about enough with future leaders – tough conversations. As someone who naturally wants to avoid conflict, Rebekah shares how she mentally prepares to have a tough conversation and how to begin these conversations with shared understanding. Finally, listeners will learn ways to continue the conversation over time to ensure that tough conversions lead to long term successful outcomes. 

Guest Name: Rebekah Tilley

Guest Social: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebekah-tilley/

Guest Bio: Rebekah Tilley is the assistant vice president of communication and marketing for the University of Iowa Center for Advancement (UICA). In that role she supports fundraising and alumni engagement efforts for the university, including its CASE Gold winning Iowa Magazine, and serves UICA in a variety of strategic communication efforts. Previously she was the director of strategic communication for the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business, and the director of communication for the University of Kentucky College of Law. She is a Kentucky native and a proud alum of the University of Kentucky.